by Rajat Sharma | Dec 29, 2015 | economics, finance, investment |
The year that started with great optimism is ending on a somewhat somber note for stocks. Here’s a look back at the year that was. In all we recommended 63 stocks and closed 54* stocks in 2015 (Jan- Dec). Average Gain % from total calls closed = 26.71%. *Note: 54...
by Rajat Sharma | Oct 30, 2014 | economics, finance |
Unlike any other year, this time around investors are no longer waiting for the union budget to see big bang reforms. The new government has taken many steps to stimulate growth since it assumed office in May 2014. The hope is that this trend will continue and that...
by Rajat Sharma | Sep 4, 2014 | investment |
Economists and analysts across the board believe that the Indian economy has entered a 5 – 10 year bull market phase. What if at all should hold you back from investing in India. The risks mentioned below are generic in nature and apply equally to both, direct...
by Rajat Sharma | Aug 29, 2014 | investment |
What is an Emerging Market? While there is no universally accepted definition for the term ‘emerging market or an emerging economy’, many economists and agencies have defined the term(s) based on certain characteristics which are common to most classifications. By any...
by Rajat Sharma | Mar 6, 2014 | equity, finance, investment |
A lot of research goes into predicting future prices and Sensex targets. Analysis of past data for such predictions suggests that analysts are far more accurate over a longer term. Shorter your time frames, higher are the chances of error. Yet, analysts and market...