

Marketing of Financial Services

Marketing of Financial Services

Marketing of financial services and products is probably the most regulated field in India. Despite this, potential customers regularly get convinced about buying investment products which are inconsistent with their needs and future plans. In this article, I will...

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Top 5 in-Famous Financial Frauds in India

This post is about some famous financial frauds in India over the last few years. These certainly are not the only ones and as in past, in future there will be more. Harshad Mehta (1990 – 92) Known as the big bull – is perhaps the most familiar name when it comes to...

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Trade Agreements in India – An Overview

Trade Agreements in India – An Overview

Trade Agreements – Any contractual arrangement between states or countries concerning their trade relationships – involve understanding on tariff, tax and restrictions applicable on export and import of goods and services. Trade agreements can be bilateral or...

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What is Algorithmic Trading

Before I begin – Remember that while algorithms can enable high frequency trading, the scope for algorithmic trading is much wider. While all high frequency trading will use some form of computer programming, all algorithms are not written to execute only high...

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ITC Impact – Ban on Sale of Loose Cigarettes

Received this question on ITCs investment potential – day after the Government decided to put a ban on sale of loose cigarettes – 27 November 2014. I had a query regarding ITC. Over a period of time I have accumulated 1700 units of ITC (average price:290). However in...

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Marketing of Financial Services

Marketing of Financial Services

Marketing of financial services and products is probably the most regulated field in India. Despite this, potential customers regularly get convinced about buying investment products which are inconsistent with their needs and future plans. In this article, I will...

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Top 5 in-Famous Financial Frauds in India

This post is about some famous financial frauds in India over the last few years. These certainly are not the only ones and as in past, in future there will be more. Harshad Mehta (1990 – 92) Known as the big bull – is perhaps the most familiar name when it comes to...

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Trade Agreements in India – An Overview

Trade Agreements in India – An Overview

Trade Agreements – Any contractual arrangement between states or countries concerning their trade relationships – involve understanding on tariff, tax and restrictions applicable on export and import of goods and services. Trade agreements can be bilateral or...

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What is Algorithmic Trading

Before I begin – Remember that while algorithms can enable high frequency trading, the scope for algorithmic trading is much wider. While all high frequency trading will use some form of computer programming, all algorithms are not written to execute only high...

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ITC Impact – Ban on Sale of Loose Cigarettes

Received this question on ITCs investment potential – day after the Government decided to put a ban on sale of loose cigarettes – 27 November 2014. I had a query regarding ITC. Over a period of time I have accumulated 1700 units of ITC (average price:290). However in...

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